Expectation of a Random Variable

Learning Outcomes

  • Expected Values

  • Variances

  • Properties of Expected Values

Expected Value

The expected value is the value we expect when we randomly sample from population that follows a specific distribution. The expected value of \(Y\) is

\[ E(Y)=\sum_y yP(y) \]

where \(P(y)\) is the PMF of \(Y\).

Expected Value

The expected value of a function of a random variable \(Y\) is provided as

\[ E\{g(Y)\} = \sum_y g(y)P(y) \]


The variance is the expected squared difference between the random variable and expected value.

\[ Var(Y)= E[\{Y-E(Y)\}^2]=\sum_y\{y-E(Y)\}^2P(y) \]

\[ Var(Y) = E(Y^2) - E(Y)^2 \]

Binomial Distribution

Expected Value


Poisson Distribution

Expected Value


Geometric Distribution Distribution

Expected Value


Expected Value Properties


  1. \(E(c)=c\), where \(c\) is constant
  2. \(E\{cg(Y)\}=cE\{g(Y)\}\)
  3. \(E\{g_1(Y)+\cdots+g_n(Y)\}=E\{g_1(Y)\}+\cdots+E\{g_n(Y)\}\)