Estimation Procedures
Regression Coefficients
Dispersion Parameter
Newton-Raphson Algorithm
To obtain the estimates of \(\boldsymbol \beta\) we can use the maximum log-likelihood approach to obtain \(\hat{\boldsymbol\beta}\).
\[ L(\boldsymbol \beta) = \prod^n_{i=1}f\left(y_i|\boldsymbol X_i;\boldsymbol \beta,\phi\right) \]
\[ \ell(\boldsymbol \beta) = \sum^n_{i=1}\log\left\{f\left(y_i|\boldsymbol X_i;\boldsymbol \beta,\phi\right)\right\} \]
Newton-Rhapson Algorithm
Fisher-Scoring Algorithm
Depending on the random variable, the dispersion parameter will need to be estimated to conduct inference procedures. There are 4 methods to estimate the dispersion parameter:
Maximum Likelihood
Maximum (Modified) Profile Likelihood Approach
Mean Deviance Estimator
Pearson Estimator
\[ \ell(\phi) = \sum^n_{i=1}\log\left\{f\left(y_i|\boldsymbol X_i;\boldsymbol \beta,\phi\right)\right\} \]
\[ \ell_p(\phi) = \frac{p}{2}\log \phi + \sum^n_{i=1}\log\left\{f\left(y_i|\boldsymbol X_i;\hat{\boldsymbol \beta},\phi\right)\right\} \]
\[ \tilde \phi = \frac{D(y,\hat\mu)}{n-p} \]
\(D(y,\hat\mu)=2\sum^n_{i=1}\left\{t(y,y) - t(y,\mu) \right\}\)
\(p\): number of regression coefficients
\[ \bar \phi = \frac{\Lambda^2}{n-p} \]
\(\hat \mu_i = g^{-1}(\hat\beta_0 + \sum^n_{j=1}{X_{ij}\hat\beta_j})\)
In Mathematics and Statistics, numerical algorithms are used to approximate the value of different functions:
Root Finding:
Optimization is the techniques used to find the values that maximizes the a function:
\[ x_0 = \mathrm{argmax}_{x}f(x) \]
The Newton-Raphson algorithm is used to estimate the parameters using an iterative algorithm. Given initial estimates, it will update the estimates of the parameters using the Newton step. It will continue iterating and updating the steps until the function converges to the maximum value.
\[ \beta_j^{(it+1)} = \beta_j^{(it)} - \frac{G_{\beta_j}^{(it)}}{H_{\beta_j}^{(it)}} \]
\(\beta_j^{(it)}\): current estimate of \(\beta_j\)
\(G_{\beta_j}^{(it)}=d\ell(\boldsymbol \beta)/d\beta_j|_{\beta_j=\beta_j^{(it)}}\)
\(H_{\beta_j}^{(it)}=d^2\ell(\boldsymbol \beta)/d\beta_j^2|_{\beta_j=\beta_j^{(it)}}\)
\(\beta_j^{(it+1)}\): Updated estimate of \(\beta_j\)
Let \((Y_i,X_i)_{i=1}^n\) be a data set where \(Y_i\overset{iid}{\sim}Bernoulli(p)\). Find the first and second derivative for \(\beta_1\), when a GLM is fitted to the model.
Let \((Y_i,X_i)_{i=1}^n\) be a data set where \(Y_i\overset{iid}{\sim}Pois(\lambda)\). Find the first and second derivative for \(\beta_0\), when a GLM is fitted to the model.